Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Eric and I just had a whirlwind, pseudo weekend. I went to Work on Monday, and by 5 it was Friday, I wish all Mondays could be as great. We drove up to Seattle on Tuesday, checked into the Hotel Max and walked to the Space Needle and back. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs sounded great, and the Paramount was beautiful. Karen O spit water into the air, writhed on the floor, and exposed her bra strap for me. Ok, not for only for me but for you, and Eric, and everyone who cares to see it. And who wouldn't?
I could have done without Maps and the 17 year olds singing along behind me, but these are the things that you get used to when you realize you're one of the old people at the show and there's no bar.
Oh yeah, and the kids loved her. I mean them. Every member was great, but Karen O was sex on legs.
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