When the other shoe drops...
Is it because I am always quietly waiting for the other shoe to drop that it inevitably does? Am I being punished for being a pessimist in optimistic sheep's clothing? And why do these things always occur in threes? Can anybody answer these questions for me?
Things have been going great for me lately…amazing in fact. My jewelry business has been picking up steam, got a great promotion at work, and I have been really happy lately. Maybe I was getting cocky, a little to fancy for my britches, and so the universe decided to intervene...
This morning was exceptional. Woke up earlier than I have in months, made myself some coffee, and felt like I had a real handle on things. That’s when my iPod slips from the case and falls face flat on the kitchen floor. I picked it up and heard little ipod sprinkles bouncing around inside. I turned it on, it made a crunching noise, and gave me this look asking, “Why did you take me for granted. Why?”
Let's see. What else happened today. Oh ya, Found out my dad has melanoma and re-confirmed that my ex-sissy/boss is a moron.
That about covers it!
Hey - We need a proper chat! Let's carve out some time this weekend, I've got lots to tell and it seems you do too!
I'm so sorry about your dad. My dad had melanoma too.
The loss of the iPod is devastating. Luckily I will be mailing my sonic valentines this weekend!
Hi - I'm sorry to hear about your poor ipod, dad & sissy/ex boss. But I'm happy that you've been feelin good lately! And congrats on the craft show! I'm so sad to have missed it. I bet yours were some of the best crafts there! Oh wahhh... I miss friends.
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