Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Family Harris

When staying in Chicago, be sure to pay a visit to the Harris family. These folks do family well. It was such a great treat to watch this unit in action.

You two are fantastic parents. I really can't imagine anything more wonderful.

Watching one of my oldest friends with a child is confusing for me at times. I feel perpetually torn between wanting children and fearing motherhood. And wanting motherhood, then fearing children. I am ready one day, and a complete mess the next. It's very confusing.

Max is an absolute delight. He is one of the most beautiful people I have ever let eyes on. Making him smile is truly fulfilling. And scary.


Robin said...

How eloquently put, Krystin. The fear persists, even after they're born. I suppose that is what makes parenthood the most fulfilling thing in life (or right up there near the top of fulfilling things) -- the stakes are so high and the consequences of failure are too great to even comprehend. So you just slog ahead, and do your best. You will be a wonderful mother. And Eric a wonderful father. I can't wait to see the transformation take place. We love you so much!